About me
Graduated with honors from the 2nd Lyceum of Zakynthos and after Panhellenic examinations in 1988 I enrolled in the Civil Engineering School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
1993-1994. Thesis in the field of Soil Mechanics and Foundations (prof. N. Papacharisis) AUTH entitled "Splashing concrete - Tunnel Support - Applications in Geotechnical Works 'grade' excellent 10".
1994. Diploma in Civil Engineering with an overall grade of "Very Good" (7).».
April 2008. M.Sc. (with honors) in "Environmental Infrastructure Planning" from HOU Patron. (Thesis, well 10: "Environmental Impact Assessment and Planning Intervention by establishing VIO.PA Zakynthos" throughout. A. Andreadakis, E. Peacock).
Energy Inspector Y.PE.KA, V` class Buildings, Boiler and HVAC installations. No. Registry EVEPEN 3989 (2011).
Controller Building Y.PE.KA, V` class with HM 2305 after successful examination (2012).
Military Service (September 1995 - August 1997) serves as a reserve second lieutenant of Engineers in Limnos and 736 D / Directorate of Military Byron works.
March-November 1996: making studies (all kinds of projects) with a total construction cost 58 million drachmas on 88 Str / RH Management Law. Lemnos.
November 96 - August 97: supervisor projects with a total budget 507 million drachmas. As Supervising Engineer Officer of the 736 Dir Str / ve Construction Attiki.
Private work
1990. From the third year of my studies (holiday periods) until February 1995 I work in series in one and two Technical Architectural Offices Zakynthos Town Building elaborating projects studies (Architectural and Structural) and Topographic Mapping.
April-September 1995: He works as a permanent partner Technical and Architectural office in Zakynthos.
October 1997: Foundation Technical consultancy in Zakynthos, with partners: John IV. Skartsi Architect & Dionysius I. Skartsi Civil Engineer.
Teach at IEK Zakynthos during the period September 98 -Iounis `` 99, sections Technical Maintenance Works Art & Construction Painting Conservation.
From February `99 until 2003 working as consultant engineer for environmental projects DEYA Zakynthos 3rd CC. Pl. Support & Cohesion Funds.
Since March 2001 I am a student of Public Works with scholars degree D categories 8 (Static) & 27 Environmental.
In November 2002 associate engineer of the National Bank, in evaluating investments and the property valuations.
Since 2003 starts cooperation with Piraeus Bank in the construction of the store in Zakynthos and then in private projects sector estimates for loans implemented in Zakynthos.
From March 2011 Energy Inspector buildings and facilities.
Since June 2012 Building Controller.
The agency so far deals with studies of private and public works and the supervision of private projects. Have been conducted all static nature studies (approximately 600), architectural, plant studies, reformations and as many environmental impact studies and management for public and private projects mainly. The office covers the whole range of studies necessary for the issuance of building permits and supervise the implementation of projects. He deals with houses, residential complexes, tourist facilities and hotels and special buildings such as shops buildings - offices, leisure centers etc. Due to the special urban scheme in a large part of Zakynthos (region National Marine Park in the south of Zakynthos) requirements for environmental management and energy planning are necessary at each project. Particular attention is given to investments evaluation and feasibility study of each project regarding viability of the facility in relation to the cost of construction. The last decade has studied and manufactured energy-saving devices in many private works in cooperation with their own. Special emphasis is placed both passive shell design - thermal insulation and a water and energy saving through the facility for heating or air conditioning.
Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE) Nos. 69680 register.
Member of the Association of Civil Engineers of Greece.
Member of the Association of Engineers Zakynthos.
From April 2001 until June 2003 I was elected and maintain the position of the President of the Association Folded. Engineering decisions. Cit. Faculties of Law. Zakynthos.
From June 2003 to April 2005 I was elected and maintain the position of Vice President of the Association Folded. Engineering decisions. Cit. Faculties of Law. Zakynthos.
From April 2005 until May 2006 I was elected and maintain the position of the President of the Association Folded. Engineering decisions. Cit. Faculties of Law. Zakynthos.
From May 2010 was elected member of the Prefectural Committee of TEE Prefecture of Zakynthos and maintain the position of Vice President to date.
Representative of TEE the Council of Public Works Zakynthos Prefecture (terms of office 2006-2008 and 2008-2010).
Member of the Association of Valuers of Greece (SEKE) since 2010.
State environmental organizations (Greenpeace, WWF, Association for the protection of sea turtles, local environmental organizations).
Publications in local newspapers and magazines in building & environmental issues.
Lecture (October 99) for IDUs on Zakynthos "Zakynthos and earthquakes".
Lecture (February 2003), Municipality of Zakynthos, "Earthquake Protection".
Lecture (June 2005), Zakynthos Prefecture, Municipality of Zakynthos, "Colloquium awareness Traffic accidents".
New Greek Concrete Regulations and New Seismic Code, organizing NTUA professor TP Tassios Athens in December 1996 (12 hours).
2nd National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki 1994.
Geoinformation Systems (G.I.S), organization of Marathon Data System concerning learning packet Arc View-info for production and use maps from satellites Geographic Information Systems, Athens, June 1997.
Environmental Impact Studies, organization Institute of Education and Training Members of the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE-I.E.K.E.M) for the preparation and elaboration of Environmental Impact Studies under the Communal Eurocodes. Athens in March and April 1997 (40 hours).
Design AUTOCAD package (ver.14), organization I.E.K.E.M-T.E.E.Ekmathisi design using H / PC. (Athens, April and May 1997) (64 hours).
Windows 97, Office 97 package (series programs Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint), organization of Microsoft Hellas, Athens June 97.
Advanced Digital Design Technology applications (CAD) & geoinformation. Zante in November 1999, organized by TEI Patras-University La Coruna E.T.S Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Spain.
Educational program: "Technical Review" lasting 30 hours, Patras, December 2002, National Bank of Greece.
International Symposium: 'Earthquakes & built environment: Impact on Urban Planning and Urban Development. " University of Thessaly and Charokopio Panapistimio Athens. Argostoli in June 2003.
Teacher Training Seminar on "School Earthquake Protection ', EPPO, Region of Ionian Islands, Zante 14 -3 to 2007.
Monitor teacher training program BUILDINGS INSPECTORS according to PD 100/2010 (Government Gazette 177a), OG 2406V`tou YP.E.KA. from EUROTEAM BIC SA 13 / 2-14 / 3/2012 the 28 voluntary and 60 compulsory hours.
Monitor teacher training program INSPECTORS BOILER & FACILITIES THERMANSISKTIRION according to PD 100/2010 (Government Gazette 177a), OG 2406V`tou YP.E.KA. from EUROTEAM BIC SA 26 / 3-11 / 4/2012 lasting 20 voluntary and 30 compulsory hours.
Monitor teacher training program INSPECTORS CONDITIONING INSTALLATION according to PD 100/2010 (Government Gazette 177a), OG 2406V`tou YP.E.KA. from EUROTEAM BIC SA 30 / 4-16 / 5/2012 periods of 22 voluntary and 30 compulsory hours.